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Top 5 Ways to Keep Your Job Search Active During The Covid-19 Pandemic

Top 5 Ways to Keep Your Job Search Active During The Covid-19 Pandemic

October 27, 2020

It's now quite evident how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the overall economic activity across the globe. A monthly hiring activity report, the recruitment activity in March 2020 has dropped by 18% as compared to the same period last year

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Real estate as a career: Myths and tips to begin

Real estate as a career: Myths and tips to begin

October 27, 2020

Thought of as traditional and unstructured in approach, real estate has never been the go-to career option for many young graduates. However, the scenario has been gradually changing especially since the RERA was introduced, which is bringing the muc

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Realty players fear pay cuts, job losses as lockdown hits revenue

Realty players fear pay cuts, job losses as lockdown hits revenue

October 27, 2020

NEW DELHI: Real estate sector, which is estimated to incur a loss of over Rs 1 lakh crore due to nationwide lockdown, is likely to see pay cuts and job losses as cash-strapped builders will look to reduce their fixed cost at a time when their sales r

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